''Chilean Education and the role of future Teachers''

It’s our duty as English's teachers, with the help of the education’s authorities, to change this reality, because it’s not possible that only private schools’ pupils can have the possibility of learning a quality English, speaking perfectly the language when they finish the school, whereas the pupils of municipal schools only know the basic vocabulary of this language, as the colors, the numbers and animals and they don’t even handle the verb to be in a good way when they graduate of the school.
You’re probably thinking... how we change this reality?
Well as I already mentioned, if the teaching of the English language was equally for everybody, since pre-school level, children would assimilate the language as natives, not as tourists (like most of adults that try to learn other language) because the brain is predisposed to the learning a new language when they are little children and this innate capacity last up to the puberty and this project might facilitate a lot, the secondary teachers' work who generally must teach basic contents as the verb "to be" over and over again because the secondary pupils don't have the necessary competences that they should have, in this form the quality of the education of English would improve a lot.

We have to guide them, not just deliver them all the necessary information, but helping them in order that they are capable of constructing their own learning.
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